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Interview With a Brozy Author

September 7, 2020

Recently, I was interviewed by fellow mystery author Victoria LK Williams as part of her series about Brozy (Broader Cozy) mysteries. In it, we discuss what makes a mystery Brozy, Cozy, or Hard-boiled, where I get inspiration for writing, and my plans for the future of Fenway and beyond.

Read an excerpt of our interview:

Paul is the first of the Brozy Authors you are going to meet. If you missed the last post, Brozy Authors write light, entertaining whodunit cozy mysteries that appeal to more traditional male interest. Either by the chief character being male or the story line taking a more masculine turn (think book store owner vs biker). If you haven’t tried a brozy, then you’re in for a whole new adventure!

Are there any secrets from the book (that aren’t in the blurb), you can share with your readers?

Not many readers have noticed this, but Fenway—who has a difficult and strained relationship with her father—never calls him “Dad” except to his face. When talking about him, she always says “my father.” This changes at some point in the series… and for readers of the books, it’s probably obvious where it is and what the catalyst of the change is.

What is the future for the characters? Will there be a sequel?

I’ve started on Book 7, The Accused Coroner, and it will wrap up some of the longer arcs in the series. I plan to go on to write at least two more Fenway Stevenson novels after this and maybe more.

How many plot ideas are just waiting to be written? Can you tell us about one?

I have ideas for three other book series. One is about a private investigator who’s at the center of a 12-book series of interconnected crimes called Murders of Substance. One follows a secondary character from Fenway Stevenson Book 2, The Incumbent Coroner, and the investigations she spearheads. And one has another estranged father/daughter duo as the main characters, on the run from federal agents after being set up for a crime they didn’t commit. I hope to start one of those series after writing book 7 in the Fenway series.