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Jamie Lee Scott Interviews Fenway Stevenson

June 13, 2018

The USA Today Bestselling mystery author Jamie Lee Scott conducted an interview with Fenway Stevenson! Learn more about your favorite heroine-named-for-a-baseball-stadium in this tell-all exposé. Here's an excerpt, but you can read the whole interview on Jamie's Blog.

What is your greatest extravagance?
My expensive education. I went to a state school for my bachelors, but a pricey private school for my graduate degree. I hope this crippling college debt is worth it.

What is your greatest fear?
To be in a situation where I have no control over my safety, especially if I’m overpowered physically.

What is the trait you most deplore in others?
Cluelessness. Or selfishness. It’s the douchebag jackpot if it’s both.

And check out Jamie's first novel in the Gotcha Detective Series, Let Us Prey—it's available for free on Amazon Kindle!